The Worst Time of Year 2004: Pacific
By: Emilio Escobar

Brandon Armstrong G 6’5 190 |
Hello, my name is Brandon Armstrong and I keep the seat
warm for your Golden State Warriors junior varsity summer league preseason
squad |
Andris Biedrins F 6’11 240 |
Some of these guys don’t even need a cute little insult from
me. You can just look at their name and already know. |
Matt Carroll G 6’6 212 |
Like Matt Carroll for instance. By the time this gets online I’m
sure Matt will be playing for his 4th team this preseason. |
Calbert Cheaney G/F 6’7 214 |
Reportedly still plays in the NBA. |
Speedy Claxton G 5’11 170 |
He sure is fun to watch for those 30 games a season until his body
completely falls apart. |
Dale Davis C 6’11 252 |
Nobody in the bay area is safe when Dale Davis comes to town! The
day he smiles is the day Golden State gains respect as a real NBA
franchise. |
Mike Dunleavy F 6’9 230 |
I get a kick out of playing Mike Dunleavy in NBA 2k5. I think he’s
the worst player in the game. The game is eerily realistic, by the
way. |
Derek Fisher G 6’1 205 |
If you’re a team that doesn’t make the playoffs then
why would you bother signing Derek Fisher? |
Luis Flores G 6’2 195 |
Keep scoring, Luis. The NBA is looking for more 6’2 shooting
guards. |
Adonal Foyle C 6’10 270 |
Bargain of the century: A bigheaded center who cares more about
politics than basketball. It’s a good thing he always stays
healthy or I would think that Chris Mullin didn’t know what
he was doing! |
Troy Murphy F 6’11 245 |
Troy Murphy, allow me to introduce you to my friend. His name is
blocked shots. I know you two have never met but I hope you will get
along in the near future! |
Eduardo Najera F/C 6’8 235 |
He’s definitely worth trading a double-double center for.
And that contract is a bargain for a hustle player. Chris Mullin strikes
again! |
Mickael Pietrus G/F 6’6 215 |
So I’m thinking what I should do is sit Jason Richardson
because he doesn’t play defense instead of coaching him. Then,
I’ll bring in Mickael Pietrus to play defense even though he
has no offense. |
Jason Richardson G 6’6 225 |
My coach doesn’t have faith in me and replaces me with the
Michael Jordan of Europe. People don’t understand why I beat
women. |
Clifford Robinson F/C 6’10 240 |
It’s OK, Cliff. I don’t expect centers to rebound the
basketball anyway. |
Ansu Sesay F 6’9 225 |
Because of the NBDL you now have Ansu Sesay on your roster. I’d
understand if you wanted to get rid of the NBDL, Warriors fans. |

Elton Brand F 6’8 265 |
He’s such a friendly guy! Why doesn’t he
win more games? I mean, he’s such a friendly guy and all. |
Rick Brunson G 6’4 205 |
Your 3rd team is always in good hands with Rick Brunson: Garbage
Time Superstar Extraordinairre. |
Lionel Chalmers G 6’0 180 |
You have the perfect name for a high school principal, Lionel.
Should you be playing in the NBA? Well, you’re playing for the
Clippers so I guess you haven’t even made it yet. |
Kaniel Dickens F 6’8 215 |
Kaniel isn’t a real name, FYI. Get a real upstanding name
for yourself. Like Lionel Chalmers. |
Jerry Holman F/C 6’10 222 |
Jerry Holman is a fat lawyer’s name. |
Marko Jaric G 6’7 217 |
The Clippers might figure out that he’s not a point guard
this year but don’t count on it. |
Chris Kaman C 7’0 268 |
Todd MacCulloch, Jr.! MacCulloch MacCulloch MacCulloch |
Kerry Kittles G 6’5 195 |
I’d actually rather be on the Clippers than the Nets right
now. You lucked out Kerry, believe it or not. Now go fix those holes
in your kneecaps. |
Trajan Langdon G 6’3 197 |
You might want to take that Alaskan Assassin sniper rifle and stick
it up to your temple. |
Shaun Livingston G 6’7 175 |
I’m shocked that the Clippers didn’t include Marko
Jaric in their long-term plans. Aren’t you? |
Corey Maggette G/F 6’6 228 |
Stop squinting your eyes, Corey. You really do play for the Clippers! |
Mikki Moore C 7’0 230 |
Mikki gets cut about as many times as the real Mickey has a birthday
bash. |
Terence Morris F 6’9 221 |
Remember when Terence was a sure lottery pick but he decided to
stay at Maryland for his senior year? Then he sold the other R in
his name for another shot to stick with the Clippers. |
Mamadou N’diaye C 7’0 255 |
I really wish I were 7 feet tall. I know I would at least be as
good as this fucking idiot. Please, David Stern, no more N’Diayes
in the NBA please. |
Zeljko Rebraca C 7’0 257 |
My heart stops when Zeljko steps on the floor! |
Quinton Ross G 6’6 195 |
I’m not even going to bother. |
Bobby Simmons G/F 6’6 235 |
What is a jump shot? Don’t ask Bobby because he doesn’t
know either. |
Chris Wilcox F 6’10 229 |
Living off of potential seems to be a nice little deal. |

Chucky Atkins G 5’11 160 |
At least Chucky wouldn’t let Chauncey Billups
embarrass him in the NBA finals. |
Tony Bobbitt G 6’4 190 |
Tony can’t even start for his team in college at Cincinnati
but here he is on the defending Western Conference champion’s
roster. Wow. |
Tierre Brown G 6’2 189 |
That’s such a cool first name to be wasted on a shitty player.
I bet his NBDL teammates are jealous. |
Kobe Bryant G 6’6 220 |
Kobe Bryant has a rap song out about how he only sleeps with actresses
and stays away from all other women because all they want is his money.
Just thought I’d let you know. |
Caron Butler F 6’7 220 |
Hi Caron. Mind showing up this year? |
Brian Cook F 6’9 234 |
The Big 10 Players of the Year were nestled all snug on the bench.
While visions of DNP-CDs danced in their heads. |
Vlade Divac C 7’1 260 |
The Lakers are running a lot in the preseason? Not on Vlade’s
watch! |
Marcus Douthit F/C 6’11 233 |
Think Marcus makes the roster? I douthit! |
Devean George F 6’8 240 |
I’m still trying to remember why the Lakers gave Devean their
entire mid-level exception at one time. |
Brian Grant C 6’9 254 |
When I see “Center” and “6’9” together
I get a tear in my eye. It reminds me that there's still a place in
this league for Robert Traylor. |
Nate Johnson G 6’1 195 |
I’ve sat here and stared at the name Nate Johnson for about
5 minutes and can’t think of a single thing to write so you’re
on your own. |
Jumaine Jones F 6’8 218 |
He still reminds everyone of those two or three decent games he
had in the playoffs as a Sixer. |
Stanislav Medvedenko F/C 6’10 |
250 Slava does nothing but score! Nevermind that his man will double
up on whatever Slava scores. |
Chris Mihm F/C 7’0 265 |
A big guy that can’t make a lay-up is a valuable asset to
a running team. |
Lamar Odom F 6’10 232 |
Los Angeles always treats Lamar so well. Welcome back, prodigal
son! |
Kareem Rush G 6’6 215 |
Keep shooting, Kareem! One of them will fall! |
Sasha Vujacic G 6’7 193 |
This guy might beat out Chucky Atkins for the starting point guard
spot on the Los Angeles fucking Lakers. I don’t know what to
say about that. |
Luke Walton F 6’8 235 |
I’ve heard enough about Luke Walton to last a lifetime and
he’s only in his second year. I’m going to stab myself
in the throat. |

Leandro Barbosa G 6’3 176 |
When Barbosa’s knuckles aren’t dragging
on the ground, he’s out beating Steve Nash in pickup games.
Don't worry Phoenix, I'm sure you'll trade him in order to free up
cash so you'll resign Joe Johnson! |
Zarko Cabarkapa F 6’11 235 |
As long as you don’t foul him on fast breaks, word has it
that Zarko is a good player. |
Derrick Dial G 6’4 184 |
Just give up, Derrick. Are you just collecting uniforms to sell
on eBay or what? |
Howard Eisley G 6’2 185 |
Just play in Utah for one season and you, too, can be given a large
contract by Scott Layden. |
Steven Hunter C 7’0 240 |
If I only had a brain |
Casey Jacobsen G/F 6’6 215 |
Casey is a faggot but I really want to fuck his girlfriend. Just
thought I’d let you know. |
Joe Johnson G 6’7 235 |
Now that Joe Johnson has finally become the scorer that everyone
thought he could be, it only makes sense for Phoenix to sign Quentin
Richardson. |
Maciej Lampe F 6’11 275 |
He really did look like a first round pick last year, didn’t
he? How dare the Knicks wait until the second round to grab him! |
Shawn Marion F 6’7 228 |
Shawn Marion doesn’t play well unless he has a decent point
guard? Wow, that’s so weird. I never would’ve thought
that. Good thing he isn’t overpaid then, I guess. |
Steve Nash G 6’3 180 |
Quentin Richardson G 6’5 238 |
Jack up 3-pointers left and right and the Suns will give you $50
million. You don’t even need to hit 40% of your overall field
goals either, they’ll overlook that. |
Paul Shirley F 6’10 230 |
When I’m looking for a tough or burly power forward I always
look up Paul Shirley. Then I take a big shit. |
Amare Stoudemire F 6’10 245 |
The only guy that actually played well without Marbury around.
It’s good to know that he doesn’t need Stephon around
in order to dunk a lot. |
Yuta Tabuse G 5’9 165 |
It’s kind of sad to think that there’s no place in the
league for a 5’9 point guard. He can always play center for
some lucky team in Japan! |
Jake Voskuhl C 6’11 245 |
I don’t even think Phoenix realizes that there is a center
position in the NBA. |
Jackson Vroman F/C 6’10 220 |
Being behind Jack Voskuhl on the depth chart is enough to force
you into retirement and become a GM for the Boston Celtics. |

Courtney Alexander G 6’6 205 |
Injuries, shitty attitude, underachievement: Courtney
Alexander knows not of these things! |
Matt Barnes F 6’7 235 |
The league really does need more 6’7 power forwards. I’ve
always said this. |
Mike Bibby G 6’1 190 |
So is Bibby or Jackson going to be injured this season? We might
as well figure this out now so Webber can pack up and go home. |
David Bluthenthal F 6’7 220 |
I wonder if David ever contemplated suicide upon learning that
Brian Scalabrine was drafted and he wasn’t. |
Doug Christie G 6’6 205 |
I thought about making a Doug Christie’s wife joke but that’s
pretty weak. His overall game is a big enough joke nowadays. Team
Clutch is happy to have you aboard, Doug. |
Maurice Evans G/F 6’5 220 |
There’s always room for more swingmen in Sacramento! |
Bobby Jackson G 6’1 185 |
Everyone’s favorite spark plug is now mentioned in trade
rumors with everyone’s favorite clutch performer! |
Kevin Martin G 6’7 185 |
Good-looking rookie; too bad Sacramento won’t play him. After
all, Courtney Alexander does need his tenth chance. |
Brad Miller F/C 7’0 261 |
Brad finally has someone to spit his chaw at in Greg Ostertag. |
Ricky Minard G 6’4 200 |
One more small scoring guard can’t hurt! |
Greg Ostertag C 7’2 280 |
Any team with Greg Ostertag is going places. I mean, if I had $4
million just laying around burning a hole in my pocket I’d probably
give it to Greg Ostertag too. |
Darius Songaila F 6’9 248 |
So are we all supposed to still be amazed by his passing ability?
If so then I’ll still act like I care. |
Peja Stojakovic F 6’10 229 |
But Ron Artest would’ve fit right in with the Kings! |
Chris Webber F 6’10 245 |
If you have the last shot in a game 7, wouldn’t you just
go ahead and take Chris Webber out before he starts going into a cold
sweat and trying to hike the basketball to a goalie? |