My team, the Orlando
Magic for those of you who do not follow my Hall of Fame career,
is off to the races with a winning streak and are on their way to
the playoffs. I’m very excited about this and I am looking
forward to the playoffs, where I will, once again, dominate with
total disregard for NBA defenses. I will be kicking ass and taking
names! However, for a guy like me, I just want to say that it’s
great to be in the second round. I find the NBA playoffs to be not
very challenging at all. They throw a Mehmet Okur at me and I dunk
on him. They throw some guy named Tayshaun Prince at me and I still
hit my jump shots. The point of this article is, well, actually
there is no point. I just wanted to point out that it feels great
to be advancing past the first round.
Now you might be asking yourself, “Tracy,
your team just lost 19 games in a row. How can you even be thinking
about the playoffs?” First off, I think you’re talking
about the wrong team because my team has just won 2 in a row. And
I thought I was supposed to be the one with the crossed eyes! But
anyway, two wins in a row means that I get to talk some more bullshit
about the NBA that I, being the scholarly 23-year-old high-school-educated
smarty pants that I am, would clearly be an expert on. Even if we
did lose 19 in a row, it really doesn’t matter because of
that wonderful playoff run I experienced last spring when I made
it to the second round finally. |